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A Taster From Our ProspectSoft Business Growth Workshop

By Victoria Dyke on Thu 14 November 2013 in Email Marketing

Our workshop last week was a roaring success!

Amongst other sessions ran by our experts on the day, attendees were treated to a master class on eMail Marketing, where they learnt the 4 key steps to improving your eMail campaigns. This included looking at an example email, and most of the audience were shocked by it’s associated scoring on the spam filters- see below why it wouldn’t actually get delivered, despite its short & innocuous content!

Why wouldn’t this email get delivered to most modern systems with up to date spam filtering solutions?

Spam filter checking results:

The words in red below attract a high spam filter scoring, due to the fact that they appear in so many bulk email marketing messages that are sent, so they naturally attract a higher and higher score from the various Spam filters, as a way of identifying bulk email shots that could be spam.

Dear Vicki= 1.6 points

To view this email in a browser click here = 1 point

(unsubscribe = 1 point)… To unsubscribe click here = 2 points

TOTAL Spam score is: 4.6 points = No delivery, as the spam score can’t be higher than 4.

Attend our  next workshop for many more best-practice advice, and insider information like this to help you make your business more successful.