When Should You Implement a CRM? | Prospect CRM
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When Should You Implement a CRM?

B2B CRM Distributors Manufacturers Wholesalers

by Olivia Smith

Posted 15/06/2023

When Should You Implement a CRM?

If you’re working entirely from spreadsheets and constantly cobbling together fragmented data to produce insights, it might be time to consider software adoption. Whether you’re a business struggling to see results or you just feel out of touch with your customers, here are a few tell-tale signs that your current processes need support from CRM.

Poor accuracy

Human error can result in detrimental mistakes for a business. As well as this, some human error is inevitable due to our nature, so there is no real way to completely prevent it. One mistake or something entered wrong can cause a chain reaction that affects multiple other processes, which could ultimately lose you a sale.

CRM systems help to streamline the buying and post-sale process for both employees and customers by making data accessible and precise. Having accurate data at your disposal makes targeting your marketing campaigns and progressing a sale more effective and predictable.

Fed up with manual processes

Completing tasks manually can be a monotonous, time-consuming process. Not only does it use up time that could have been spent on more productive and rewarding tasks for the company, but it also induces more errors. Having a system that automates the tedious processes that slow down your business’s productivity can be a huge time saver. From your sales pipeline to you reporting process, automating these repetitive tasks will improve your overall efficiency and increase the productivity of your team.

Data automation also minimises room for human error, so you’ll spend less time fixing your mistakes and more time focusing on the tasks that drive profit.

Spending too much time on admin tasks

If you find you’re spending more time on admin tasks than you have, it’s probably time to introduce a CRM system so you can direct your time elsewhere. Investing in a system that completes admin tasks frequently and in half the time will help your employees focus their effort and time on role-specific duties that produce real results based on the data-driven insights generated by your CRM system.

Lack of overall visibility and control

Do you feel like you don’t have a hold of all your data? Maybe because of the way it’s structured or stored. Having data located in multiple applications that don’t integrate can make keeping track of all of your sales, stock and customer insights really difficult. Being out of touch with your customers like this can result in poor customer service and prompt high levels of churn.

Having all your data integrated into one place, in a clear layout, is one of the most significant benefits of adopting a CRM system. CRM systems can also create configurable reports automatically by pulling together all of your data and producing extremely useful analytics. This brings a huge sense of control over your business as you can visually have everything in one place, making it easier to make data-driven decisions.

Poor quoting facilities

Having an effective quote-to-order workflow is essential for improving your buyers’ journey and ensuring your internal processes are as streamlined as possible. A CRM system can eliminate any quoting inaccuracies by using the input data to auto-fill your quoting template, which takes away the back and forth between you and your customer.

A CRM system with effective integration qualities will then be able to convert this quote into an active order by communicating with your inventory management/ERP system. While it’s good to have multiple systems that specialise in a specific area or process, these systems have to communicate with one another to optimise your efficiency. Before investing in software, always make sure to check the app’s Integration Marketplace to ensure that they can facilitate integration to the platforms you already have or plan to adopt in the future.

Can’t sustain desired or expected growth

If your company’s growth has become stagnant and, whilst you are making profit, the results you’re seeing doesn’t align with the work you’re putting in, then a CRM system might be what you need to boost your sales.

Being able to just about keep up with your current customers and sales will ultimately lead to no progress in the business. Reactivating your stunted growth means being completely on top of your business activities and ahead of your competitors and, to do this, you need to have a well-founded strategy in place. Therefore, with the implementation of a CRM system, team members will be able to manage their customer interactions more efficiently and deliver a more personalised customer experience which will boost satisfaction and sales.

Are you sales plateauing? Prospect CRM helps you structure, monitor, and manage all your customer data so you can manage sales from the top of your funnel all the way through to your post-sale activities. Sign up to our 14-day free and fully integrated trial today.

By Olivia Smith