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Pitfalls of CRM implementation

By Stuart McLaren on Tue 06 August 2013 in CRM

CRM solutions are becoming more and more intelligent and in doing so, are helping businesses become smart in planning their customer’s experiences. 

But this is not without its pitfalls. As CRM solutions are being rolled out across more departments, it is often the case that the management of these projects are moving further away from decision makers.

So how can you overcome all these well-known problems?

Lay the foundations:  Understanding what your business needs, based on your processes, staff and strategy makes up a huge area of discussion, so be sure to map this out as a priority! And, don’t forget your staff! Make sure they are involved, informed and understand so they will embrace the solutions, see the benefits for them individually and continue to engage with the software.

Technology is not the only consideration: Many businesses ask questions such as, will it work on an Android device? However, what we should be asking are questions such as, will it increase customer loyalty by 10%? Can this help us generate more sales leads by Q3? Think of questions based on your key business objectives rather than the technology you use. It is important to spend time planning and reviewing your organisations culture, processes and training methods so you then pick the right technology.

Making it fit: None of us would employ a new person without a clear job description and induction. However, we would invest just as much money in a CRM solution without proper introductions to our staff. Making sure your employees know how your new CRM solution can make their role easier and how it will be integrated with existing processes will encourage them to embrace it. Plus, if you throw in some KPI’s and monitor them using the CRM, there is even more reason for staff to use your investment.

Successful solutions are those with clear business requirements, benchmarks to measure success against and empower employees to buy into the vision. If you are thinking of introducing or changing your CRM system, then take these hints and tips with you all the way.