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Full box CRM vs Empty box CRM

By Victoria Dyke on Tue 03 September 2013 in CRM

Pretty much all CRM implementations are based on the ‘Empty Box CRM’ model, where you start with effectively an empty system and you build the data as you go. – Seems perfectly sensible & viable?

BUT, what if you could start with a ‘Full Box CRM’, from day 1, stuffed full of useful data – allowing instant intelligent Marketing and Sales targeting!
Seems like an impossible dream?

It really isn’t! – if CRM systems are to be successful they HAVE to start by integrating to your back office accounting solution – and I mean INTEGRATE, not have some half-baked one off import, true integration is seamless, and allows you to start with a real ‘Full Box CRM’ that won’t be the fork in the road of your systems heading in different directions.

Too many CRM implementations fail, ‘Full Box CRM’ with true deep integration to your existing back office system is the final piece in the jigsaw of making certain that you choose the right solution, and drive your business forward.