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SEO Part 2: Content is King

by Francesca Firth

Posted 03/03/2014

SEO Part 2: Content is King

Once your site is built for SEO it is important to get the content right. Website content should be updated on a regular basis. If Google’s spiders see that your information has been left to go stale they will not visit as often causing your position in the rankings to slide. But what content do you need to put on your site?

Quality content

Every word or phrase on your site should have a point. People visiting your site want to find the information they are looking for quickly.

Make sure that the content on your site is relevant and to the point offering real value for those who look at it.

Try to think about how someone looking for your site would search for it. What words and phrases would they use? These should be incorporated into your text as much as possible.

Writing in lists is a great way to keep your content to the point ensuring that spiders can easily find what they are looking for.

Key words

If you have read any recent articles on SEO you will have seen that Keywords are a hotly debated topic. Google don’t publish their full algorithms and SEO practitioners can only make highly educated guesses as to what, and how much individual factors effect rankings. Some experts believe that Keywords no longer matter in SEO best practice where as some believe that they remain the most vital component of content creation. One thing that seems to unite all SEO authors is that Google is becoming increasingly human. With this in mind a balanced approach to key words is probably the best strategy.

Research which keywords will get you the most attention. Google have a great Keyword planning tool which should give you an idea of the type of words that your target audience are searching for.

Although it is great to use keywords throughout your site and you should definitely be utilising them in your URLs and titles you shouldn’t just use them for the sake of it.

Beware...the practice of keyword stuffing (using keywords an unnatural amount) is something that google is increasingly devaluing.

Anchor text

Anchor text is the text which links to another part of your page. This is usually identified by being blue and underlined. Googles spiders are paying increasing amounts of attention to this type of text.

But anchor text should not be generic. For example "click here" will not help to enhance your ranking, neither will using key words as links. Instead linked text should serve some purpose in explaining where the link is taking you.

Media rich content

The popularity of videos is growing exponentially, they increase the amount of time people spend on your site and Google’s spiders love a well tagged video. This is true of many different media types, from Podcasts to Slide Share shows.

The importance of different Medias on websites is increasing and Google is looking for new ways of analysing the usefulness of its content, meaning its relevance on rankings will continue to grow.

When using images throughout your site it is important to put the relevant ALT tags in place as these will ensure that the spiders can see your images are relevant to the themes of your site.

Onsite social

One factor Google likes to take into account is your content engagement. If your visitors are clicking links on your site, and sharing your content through social media it shows that you are creating interesting, relevant content and therefore increasing your page ranking.

We have developed a step-by-step how to guide for ProspectSoft CMS users which explains more aspects of SEO and the ways in which our solution can facilitate SEO enhancement. Give us a call to get your copy.


By Francesca Firth